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Chandi Japam


SKU: Japam-23 Categories: , Tags: , Product ID: 27553


What Is Chandi Homam?

Chandi homam is one of the most powerful homam for Devi Durga which has the power to remove all the negativity from the place of worship. In this particular homam, Devi Durga is worshiped as a girl of 2 to 10 years old (Kanya Devi). All the doshas and obstacles are removed by the effect of this homam. We can attain success in our profession and life by doing this homam.

Who Should Perform Chandi Homam?

Persons who suffer from evil effects and whose health and wealth are destroyed by black magic or evil deeds can perform this homam. Generally, when we are out of control when we can no longer able to tolerate our problems and we are in need of divine intervention we can seek this homam.
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